Aims of the Plan


To achieve the N2025 aims, the university must commit to responsible stewardship of resources to reinforce institutional priorities. Responsible stewardship requires organizational and operational effectiveness, proper investment in physical and technological infrastructure, and commitment to sustainability. Realization of the aims and implementation of the strategies will require:

  • An implementation plan for the N2025 Strategic Plan
  • Intentional and transparent allocation of resources to incentivize actions that align with the N2025 Strategic Plan
  • Intelligent and sustainable investments in key university resources, and, in particular, people
  • Development of a sustainable built environment and technology infrastructure to support N2025 Strategic Plan
  • Creation of an incentive-driven and financially strong campus environment led by the N2025 Strategic Plan
  • Systematic cost reductions across administration
  • Formulation of a long-term road map for university operations that ensures sustainability, environmental resilience, and stewardship of natural resources

The university recognizes its significant responsibility to the citizens of the state of Nebraska and the need to be good stewards of all of its resources. This bold N2025 Strategic Plan, implemented well, will increase the value of the institution to the state of Nebraska.